miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009

Arquitectura en palabras (En inglés)

Por Louise Pelletier
"El teatro, el lenguaje y el sensual espacio de la arquitectura)

Illustration credits ix
Acknowledgments xi
Introduction 1
Part 1: Character and expression: staging an architectural theory 9
1 Architecture as an expressive language 11
Character theory and the language of architecture 17
Le Camus de Mézières and the metaphor of the theatre 21
2 Character theory in theatrical staging 25
Servandoni, the master of special effects 26
The modulation of light and darkness 30
Unity of place and the perfecting of an illusion 40
3 Rules of expression and the paradox of acting 46
Le Brun’s theory of expression 47
The paradox of the actor 50
Part 2: Play-acting and the culture of entertainment: architecture
as theatre 57
4 Theatre as the locus of public and social expression 59
The rules of civility and conventions at the theatre 62
Louis XV and the new taste for private performances 64
Society theatre and Diderot’s drame bourgeois 67
The staging of a play 73
5 Theatre architecture and the role of the proscenium arch 77
Rethinking the space of the auditorium 78
The beginning of a new tradition and the relocation
Part 3: Language and personal imagination: an architecture for
the senses 105
6 Taste, talent, and genius in eighteenth-century aesthetics 107
Theatre theory and the decadence of taste 108
Genius and the complex relationship between rules and talent 110
Génie and the Encyclopédie 113
7 Newtonian empirical sciences and the order of nature 118
The expression of nature in architectural theory 120
Newtonian empirical science and the role of tradition 124
8 Empirical philosophy and the nature of sensations 131
Étienne Bonnot de Condillac and the nature of imagination 131
Edmund Burke and the materiality of light and shadow 138
Denis Diderot and the importance of language 146
Part 4: Plotting an architectural program: the space of desire 151
9 Staging an architecture in words 155
The space of seduction 155
The Genius of Architecture and the distribution of an hôtel
particulier 161
10 The narrative space of desire 169
Aabba, a romance 170
Chantilly, a picturesque garden 183
Conclusion: the temporality of human experience 192
Notes 196
Selected bibliography 224
Index 235


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