Preface vii
Acknowledgements viii
1 What is design? 1
2 Types of failure 4
Functional failure 5
Serviceability failures 5
Disconnection failures 5
Translation failures 6
Elastic instability failures 6
Material overstress failures 7
3 The elements of a structure and how they function 8
Introduction 8
Structures and members 8
Stress and strain 11
How a beam works 13
Stresses and strains in beams 27
Efficiency of sections subjected to bending 34
Columns or struts 41
Tension members 43
Continuity 43
4 Structural form and materials 55
Introduction 55
Stone 57
Bricks 60
Timber 60
Iron and steel 62
vi Contents
Reinforced concrete 64
Prestressed concrete 66
Discussion 68
5 Loads and loading 70
Introduction 70
Sources of loads and classification 70
Statistical concepts used in conjunction with loading 78
Discussion of some types of loads 80
6 Material properties 96
Introduction 96
Reinforced concrete 100
Structural steel 113
Masonry 118
Structural timber 125
7 Structural safety, limit state design and codes of practice 132
Introduction: what do we mean by safety? 132
Sources of uncertainty 133
Means of providing safety taking account of uncertainty 139
Examples of use of safety formats 149
Accidents and robustness 155
Building regulations and design codes 158
8 The design process 173
Introduction 173
Factors governing the engineers’ task 174
Project stages 175
Concluding remarks 178
9 Designer in a changing world 179
Introduction 179
Continuing professional education/development (CPE/CPD) 180
Sustainability issues 182
Learning from failures 186
Index 191
Parece una introduccion muy completa